Monday 20 August 2007

AADHIKARonline will shortly carry a detailed examination of the following plug in the 'Newham Recorder' group

AADHIKARonline will shortly carry a detailed examination of the following plug in the 'Newham Recorder' group, which carries on 'local paper' business in the East End of London, the target of the Crossrail hole attacks


"Crossrail back on track?

17 August 2007

WHISPER it, but the much-delayed Crossrail project, the proposed East-West train service to 'ease the squeeze' on the capital's transport network, just might be back on track.

MPs that make up the cross-party Communities and Local Government Committee at the House of Commons have called on the Government to give local authorities the power to vary the rates charged to businesses.

A top-up of town hall coffers, it is suggested in some political quarters, could be just what is desired to raise over £3b needed to help kick start Crossrail's construction.

Read Pat Coughtrey's special report in our Planning The Future special next Wednesday."

Crossrail hole attacks